Daniele Fiandaca


I specialise in engaging senior leaders and men with inclusion and diversity

Scroll down to find out more about how I might support you in accelerating your inclusion, equity and diversity strategy. Or simply get in touch.


Who I am


I am an inclusion and diversity consultant and coach who has been engaging men and senior leaders in inclusion and diversity for nearly a decade. My ultimate aim is to inspire every man to become a more inclusive lead, a far better ally to inclusion and diversity and ultimately an agent of change, creating workplaces that are truly inclusive, equitable and diverse.

I work to support my clients in in three different ways:

  • Keynote speaking

  • Executive coaching and group coaching

  • Delivering consultancy and training through Token Man Consultancy




Key clients


Why engaging men with I&D is so important


The benefits of Inclusion and Diversity have been widely established and understood. Yet we know from research that men are still not engaging meaningfully and in fact, in many markets, believe that gender equality has gone too far and is now discriminating against them. It’s fundamental that we engage men with inclusion and diversity if we are going to drive change. The benefits of doing so are significant:


Thought Leadership


A new model for engaging men

With the data showing that men are simply not engaging with Inclusion and Diversity, we need to create a new model for engaging with them that provides a focus beyond just recruiting them to become better allies and agents of change. We need to support them in the everyday life and inspire them by equipping them the skills to be a more inclusive manager and leader. Read more here.


Want to work with me?