Keynote Speaking


The power of storytelling is unparalleled when it comes to creating human connection. I have been delivering keynote talks to corporates for nearly a decade which are designed to truly connect with audiences, inspire individuals and drive powerful change through the stories and his lived experiences of being an agent of change in the inclusion and diversity space. People have talked to me about the positive impact I have had long after I have left the room.

Below you will find some of the clients I have delivered talks to as well as my latest topics.

What my clients say:

  • “Daniele is able to connect people who feel disconnected from gender diversity.”

  • “The talk got men talking about inclusion and diversity and recognising their own role in creating change.”

  • “Daniele was able to talk about his vulnerabilities in a way no one had experienced before and opened the door for other men to show their true side can be very rewarding”

  • “Daniele enabled our senior leaders to be vulnerable and to speak candidly.”

Key topics


The Benefits of Men Leaning into Inclusion and Diversity

In this talk I explore the damage traditional masculinity inflicts on men and how leaning into inclusion and diversity has benefits for everyone. Topics will include mental health, spending more time with children and loved ones, stress at work, inclusive leadership and vulnerability. I will also share real life examples of benefits men have found from leaning in both using my own journey but also the work I do personally with senior leaders as a consultant and a coach. Expect everyone to come away with a better understanding of the positive personal benefits of leaning into inclusion and diversity.

How to be a better ally

While allyship is not the only component for delivering workplaces (and societies) which are more inclusive and diverse, it is an important tool for creating change. In this talk, I examine the true nature of meaningful allyship and how you can each make a real difference. Ultimately you are only a truly ally if you are actively changing a system that is inherently broken and I will provide some practical tips on how you can do this which encompass active listening, vulnerability, leaning out and becoming a better leader. Expect everyone to come away inspired to be a much better ally to everyone.

The power of vulnerable leadership

In this talk, I use my career as well as the work I do with senior leaders to challenge our myths around vulnerability and explore what could be different if we (our culture, our workplaces and ourselves) saw vulnerability as courage rather than weakness. The talk covers why vulnerability is at the heart of inclusive leadership and how it can contribute to delivering the psychological safety required for high performing teams. Expect everyone to come away with the confidence to be more vulnerable in the workplace every day.

Becoming an agent of change

Taking inspiration from my own journey from CEO to inclusion and diversity specialist, as well leaning on the experience of  many of the agents of change that I have been fortunate enough to have worked with, I will talk about what it means to be a change-maker. In particular we will dig deeper into resilience, perseverance, cultural intelligence, empathy, vulnerability and hacking. Expect everyone to come away inspired to do more to become an agent of change, creating a workplace that is more inclusive, equitable and diverse.

Other formats

In addition to keynote speaking, I also work with clients with a number of different formats:

  • Panel Hosting

  • As a panellist

  • Fireside chats

  • Workshops

Ensuring your event works as best as it can

I work closely with each of my clients to ensure that my engagement has the most impact by:

  • Adding bespoke content so that it as relevant as possible to the audience

  • Attending briefing calls

  • Helping to provide ideas around timings and flow of the event if you are in early days of planning