Info for Bookers


Hi, there! This is where you will find my images, bios, intro scripts, AV requirements and even my intro music suggestions for your event. If you don’t see something you need, please reach out.


Images for Daniele Fiandaca


Biog for Daniele Fiandaca


Shortest Biog

Daniele Fiandaca is founder of Token Man Consulting, an inclusion and diversity consultancy which specialises in engaging senior leaders and men with I&D and inspiring them to become inclusive leaders and agents of change, creating workplaces that are truly inclusive and diverse. Token Man Consulting was born from Token Man, an initiative he co-founded nearly a decade ago to engage men with the gender equity discussion and is also co-founder of Masculinity in the Workplace, one of the few I&D events that is dedicated to engaging men and inspiring them to become better allies and agents of change. He was recently named one of the Top 50 Trailblazers in Gender Equality in the UK and has also co-authored a number of best selling books.

You can find longer biogs and boiler plates HERE.


Intro Music Suggestions


AV Requirements


Daniele uses Keynote and while he is happy to present on any set-up, he would prefer to use his own Mac if possible.


Daniele brings…

  • His Macbook Pro

  • HDMI connectors

  • Wireless clicker and back-up

  • A desktop Keynote presentation using keynote and embedded locally playable video files

Daniele needs…

  • A wireless lapel microphone

  • Mains power socket to power the laptop

  • A projector or tv (HMDI connector)

  • A speaker system that receives audio output from the laptop